If you are looking for a church that has a sense of mission, you’ve come to the right place. Kendalia Community Church has been reaching out to our surrounding communities for over 130 years with the Good News of Jesus Christ. God has used our little church as a light to the people in the hill country of south central Texas in amazing and miraculous ways.
Even though God has accomplished much through our ministry and efforts, we know there is so much more to do.
Recently, our Pastor renewed our focus on the mission and vision statements for our church and had them printed on two banners hanging on the front wall of our sanctuary. They serve as tangible reminders that our task is not done. We all need to remain busy serving our Savior until He comes again.
We invite you to join us in our efforts to advance the kingdom. Email us at info@kendaliachurch.org for more information on our church and its mission to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.